During play, press Ctrl+Shift+C to bring up the cheat window. Now type in one of the following:
ROSEBUD Gives you 1000 simoleons (For Patched Version)
KLAPAUCIUS Gives you 1000 Simoleons
! Repeats last cheat
; Type between codes to enter several at the same time
(ex. after klapaucius, enter !;!;! for 3000 Simoleons)
WATER_TOOL Puts water around your home
SET_HOUR (1 to 24) Set time of day
SET_SPEED (-1000 to 1000) Set game speed
AUTONOMY (1 to 100) Change how much the Sims think on their own
INTERESTS Change interests and personality
GROW_GRASS (1-150) Set grass growth level
MAP_EDIT ON/OFF Toggle map editor
SWEEP ON/OFF Toggle "ticks" of the game
TILE_INFO ON/OFF Toggle tile info.
DRAW_ALL_FRAMES ON/OFF Toggles drawing every frame
LOG_MASK Set event logging mask
SIM_SPEED (-1000-1000) Set sim speed